Kevin K Watts
"The main topic is men's mental health. This topic, I feel, is not talked about in the mainstream media as often as it should be. I know so many men, friends/family (including myself) who have or are struggling with mental health.
My father, being the typical Indian man, always taught me to be "tough" and "fearless" and that it was never ok to be vulnerable, empathic, or to open up to anyone about matters of depression and anxiety.
Until recently that changed.
He confessed to me he had suicidal thoughts when he felt like the world was suffocating him. He was in his late 20's. Being able to admit that and have that conversation only opened up a better bond with my father. So, I feel like it's important to raise awareness and to show that it's ok to go and talk to a loved one if you feel low."
Kevin is a multi-award-winning director, born and raised in Birmingham, England and now resides in Los Angeles.
The Cast & Crew
The Cast & Crew
This is the cast and crew behind Connect. Without their dedication, hard work, talent, and focus I wouldn't have made my passion project.
*Click their names to go to their portfolio*
Kevin K Watts
Writer, Director, Producer & Editor
Christian Shapiro
Darren Maynard
Co-Producer & Sound designer
Trevor Roach
Spenser Williamson
First AD
Nate Jones
First AC
Taylor Wolfe
Victoria Santibanez
SFX Makeup
Cory Zembower
Sound Mixer/Boom Op